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Lucinda has a deep understanding of horses, built through decades of hands-on experience, study, and in-depth research into what makes them tick. At heart, she is both a researcher and a teacher, always eager to share what she’s learned. As a lifelong student here is a few of her teachers Dr Steven Peters-Neuroscientist and author Evidence Based Horsemanship, Dr Marthe Kiley Worthington PHD Equine Ethology and author, Jaak Panksepp - Affective Neuroscience "The foundations of Human and Animal Emotions".

Her work is grounded in Equine Ethology, Neuroscience, Neurochemistry, Emotion, Learning, and Memory—the core components of what she calls The Equine Mandala. This framework explores the science behind how horses think, feel, learn, and communicate, bridging the gap between academic research and practical application.

Her presentations and clinics receive enthusiastic reviews from students (see Quotes). As an early adopter of Horse Speak®, she became a Certified Horse Speak® Practitioner and is highly qualified to teach this evidence-based approach to equine communication.

Lucinda has worked extensively with BLM mustangs through the TIP Trainer Program and has rehabilitated psychologically compromised rescue horses. She also studied and applied the teachings of Tom and Bill Dorrance, the founders of Natural Horsemanship.

Today, her training philosophy is rooted in positive reinforcement and operant conditioning, with no use of dominance or fear-based methods. She believes:

"A calm and alert horse is ready to learn—regardless of training technique."

 (see Quotes).

Lucinda B.

From the age of 4 to 14, Lucinda trained in Classical Hunt Seat and Show Jumping. Afterward, she focused on raising two children, attending university to study Early Childhood Education and Sociology, and spending 28 years as a CEO, owning and managing several businesses.

At 41, she returned to the horse world, purchasing a small Arabian named Nemo—the horse who became the heart of her journey back into horsemanship. Nemo’s story is featured in her book, Being Herd.

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​The tools I use to teach/coach are based in the idea that you can learn better by actively doing a task or job.

If you and the horse can do a task together you will learn how to move yourself around the horse and the horse will learn how to move around you.


If I had to sum up my teaching in one sentence, it would be, "Never leave your horse behind, not even for a moment."


To accomplish this, I break up the task into little chunks to accommodate for the human learning process- which can be very slow. My goal is to get the human to feel the horse's World View.

Once we accomplish this, learning anything new, going anywhere together or just enjoying each other's company is all there for you to have."  

Lucinda B.

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