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Some Quotes & Testimonials

"Horse Speak changes everything! We are lucky to have Lucinda Baker here in the Pacific Northwest to help horses and their people!"

​-Sabrina Heilbrun-Maldonado

“Wow!! Okay all you horse folks near, and far, Lucinda Baker's Clinic at FromtheMother Farm last Friday evening and all-day Saturday was absolutely fabulous! The amount of learning that was possible to come away with was incredible.

Lucinda ties Ethology (the study of animal behavior, in this case horses), with human/horse brain science, Neuroscience, Parasympathetic and Sympathetic body systems, and Horse Speak into a wonderful, clear, understandable PowerPoint presentation. She is funny, has stories to help with the understanding, uses 3 blowup horses to show the activation buttons of Horse Speak in 3D so you can clearly see where they are.

She explains things for folks who have never heard any of this kind of stuff- and deepens your understanding if you are already on a journey in this direction! She used her blowup horses for hands-on experience before we brought the living horses to the arena. This gave confidence to folks as she coached them through the parts of Horse Speak that would be practiced that day.”

​-Nancy Kittleson

"I just attended the Horse Speak Deep Dive session.

It is well worth the time and investment! I am a volunteer with a horse rescue (Mustangs to the Rescue) and Lucinda has presented for us a few times. I was able to attend the introductory session last fall, when introduced to the "buttons".

One day while mucking in the mare’s pen, the lead mare, G2, was motioning to the "move back button". I wasn't putting it all together until a friend who was also mucking pointed out that she was telling a younger mare (Poppy) who is learning to be in a herd, to get back from where G2 was eating. It was thrilling to see! Looking forward to fluency in the language!!! Thank you, Lucinda"

​-Barbara Kracher

“I didn't know exactly what ‘Horse Speak or Being Herd’ was but what little I did know intrigued me and it was pretty close to home (which is a rare occurrence) so I signed up. My horse and I had both retired from riding and I was wanting to connect more with my herd, so this sounded like just the ticket. After the 2 1/2-day clinic, I was blown away by Lucinda and her knowledge of this subject as well as her presentation of it. She said, "once you see Horse Speak, you can't unsee it”, and I can honestly say, this is 100% true. I love trying to connect with my herd with the methods I learned at the clinic as well as watching my herd ‘speak’ to each other in this way. It's truly amazing. After the clinic I felt refreshed and armed with new and exciting ways of interacting with my horses. Even my father (and his traditional cowboy ways) was interested in learning from Lucinda. She truly has a gift of teaching this subject that she is obviously so passionate about. I highly recommend attending a clinic and even a private session afterward. You won't regret it.”

-Traci Barnes

"Attending Lucinda's clinic and then adding a private lesson afterwards is the missing piece of being able to communicate with my horses and them with me that I've been searching for. Lucinda breaks it down so simply of how horses have communicated with each other for centuries that it's truly magical and so insightful once we see it and can start to practice "Being Herd" with Horse Speak. Brilliant."
Thank you again,
-Sheila T.

I highly recommend Lucinda Baker’s ‘Being Herd’ Horse Speak clinic. I took it last year then worked with her the next day privately with my three horses. I learned effective new tools for clearer energetic communication, using the horse’s language that they use with each other. Fantastic!
This summer she will be offering two ‘Being Herd’ clinics in at ‘From The Mother Farm’, Snohomish.
-Randee F.

Dear Lucinda,

Thank you again for the experience of instructing our two-day clinic. It was everything I had hoped for, and I want to do it again.
On Sunday you and I had a private session with Fancy. My horse was distraught, feeling anxious about being separated from Kometa. She was moving quickly in the round pen, head high most of the time loudly calling, and Kometa was calling back. You demonstrated being a trustworthy leader: checking the security of the environment, dealing with Fancy's concerns, blowing things away, and calmly holding space for her to find calmness as she tried to de-escalate the situation. You talked to her a lot about "Kometa is safe over there and you and I are safe here". You showed how she ended conversations with her tail. You helped me walk her back to her stall, observing the many thresholds we had to navigate.
On Monday when I arrived at the stable, it was swarming with kids. Kometa was in the arena in a lead line lesson with a 7-year-old in the saddle. Fancy was in the cross ties with two kids grooming her. No stomping, no elevated emotions, no anxious calling from either of them. I was confused by the extreme change.
And the change has stayed. Tuesday, Fancy went on a trail ride with the head instructor in a bareback pad, denoting a level of calmness. I spoke with another of the instructors and the staff has noticed the change, too. Yesterday I did some liberty figure-8's in the round pen with Fancy. We have witnessed an amazing change in Fancy's (and Kometa's) behavior and their emotions. THANK YOU.
Swish, swish.

I would not be where I am with my horses without Lucinda's knowledge and teachings. Prepare yourself to be amazed. If you want a deeper understanding of your horse and your horse's behavior, then attend Lucinda's clinics- you will be forever changed and  your horse will be too.

-Rachelle Tanner




​It was so good to meet you this weekend and spend time learning and listening to your experiences.  Even though it ended on a tough note, what I learned from you and watching the others is so valuable and inspirational.  I am looking at my herd and their dynamics in a new way.


As you said, Alegre settled as soon as we were on our way.  We made the 2pm ferry and practically rolled right on the boat.  He did do some kicking and "screaming"  on the ferry, but by the time we pulled into our driveway, he was settled and calm.  Actually walked slowly out of the trailer!!


i believe that as we tackle this issue in a more low key and less rushed manner, this will further our relationship and help him to develop more confidence.  The tools and insights that you shared this weekend will without a doubt help me.  Specifically develop my sense of calm and focus. My challenge is not to meet him in that panic place and show him that calm and centered is the way to be.  It is no accident that he is my horse.  As I said, "my therapist lives in the barn!"


I am looking forward to when we can meet again and continue on our journey. 


Take care, Jackie W.- Washington

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