Clinic Hosting Information.
Thank you for your interest in hosting a "Being Herd & Horse Speak" Clinic
There are several steps to hosting a clinic.
Step One:
Fill out the Clinic Hosting Form at the bottom of this page. When we receive your form, we will text you to schedule a time to speak on the phone. When we speak on the phone, we will establish the type of clinic you want to host and pick a date.
Step Two:
We will send you a document with all the particulars for your clinic. It will include all that we expect from you and all you can expect from us. Please read this carefully and ask your questions well in advance of your clinic date.
Step Three:
We will prepare promotional flyers for your clinic and make them available for you to send to your contacts. The flyers will give your contacts all the information they need to register and pay for the clinic. We will also put your clinic on our website under the "Events" tab.
Being Herd Clinics include Horse Speak and a wee bit of Science based on the Equine Mandala.
Exercises help participants:
to stay in Low Med or High Connection.
to understand how the horse physically perceives their world. This helps people assist them to remain in a calm and alert frame of mind.
use correct-practice techniques to introduce a simple new skill for learning and memory.
gain insight into the value of Horse Speak by seeing it in action.
These exercises are simple and can be practiced at home after the clinic.
1 Day Clinic
All day session
9:00-12:30 Introductory Presentation
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-4:30 Demonstration with horses
$135 per person- travel time billed separately (see "Travel and Housing" below).
10 participants minimum
2 Day Clinic
Day One: 9:30 -12:30, Lunch, 1:30-4:30
Day One 9:30 - 12:30 Morning session only. $50.00. If attendee decides to stay for the full clinic,
they pay the difference
Day Two: 9:30-12:30, Lunch, 1:30-4:30
$275 per person- travel time billed separately (see "Travel and Housing" below).
6 person minimum, 12 maximum
*Individualized One-on-One Sessions are available after the clinic- billed at $125 for two hours. Lucinda can travel up to 30 miles from Clinic venue for that price.
Host A Clinic
The horses determine the flow of a Being Herd clinic, making each clinic a unique experience based on what the horses bring to it. Lucinda B. has learning objectives for participants, but the horses lead the way. The teaching is based on what the individual horses are presenting in the moment and the experience level of the participants.
We strongly prefer to use the facility’s horses for demonstrations during clinics and for clinic participants’ learning and practice. Horses who are “at home” are calmer, more in the Parasympathetic Nervous System and are better teachers!
Important Clinic Information
We strongly urge participants to familiarize themselves with the LucindaB.com website. They should learn the basics of the Equine Mandala and the 15 Horse Speak Buttons.
Lucinda B's wee book, "Being Herd" (available in electronic of hard copy version) is ideal preparation for participants.
We will be able to move into the subject matter faster and more thoroughly if all are familiar with the terminology used.
What we need for Clinics
An indoor or covered outdoor arena.
Arena must be able to be partitioned for horses at liberty on one side and seated participants on the other.
At least 3 horses available for demonstration.
An area or room sufficient in size to seat all participants.
Room or area must have adequate Wi-Fi to download videos.
Some way to dim the lights wo participants can see the slide presentation.
A light-colored wall or screen to project the slides on, or a big screen TV large enough for all to see.
Chairs for all participants.
Drinking water available.
A restroom for participants.
Sufficient space to park participants' vehicles.
Travel and Housing
Within 200 miles of Prineville, Oregon, travel fees are based on round-trip mileage. First 50 miles are free.
For Workshops outside of the Northwest, other travel expenses may apply, such as airfare for Lucinda B. and an assistant, lodging, and meals.
Contact Us About Hosting a Clinic
​After receiving your inquiry, we will send you our Clinic Hosting Packet, which has all the details you need to know to plan your event.
We provide support to our clinic host. We provide estimates of clinic costs and revenue, registration forms, and help in selecting the best clinic format for your potential attendees.
Please answer ALL of the questions below. Thank you!

It was so good to meet you this weekend and spend time learning and listening to your experiences. Even though it ended on a tough note, what I learned from you and watching the others is so valuable and inspirational. I am looking at my herd and their dynamics in a new way.
As you said, Alegre settled as soon as we were on our way. We made the 2pm ferry and practically rolled right on the boat. He did do some kicking and "screaming" on the ferry, but by the time we pulled into our driveway, he was settled and calm. Actually walked slowly out of the trailer!!
i believe that as we tackle this issue in a more low key and less rushed manner, this will further our relationship and help him to develop more confidence. The tools and insights that you shared this weekend will without a doubt help me. Specifically develop my sense of calm and focus. My challenge is not to meet him in that panic place and show him that calm and centered is the way to be. It is no accident that he is my horse. As I said, "my therapist lives in the barn!"
I am looking forward to when we can meet again and continue on our journey.
Take care, Jackie W.- Washington